Papua Without Discrimination

The wealth of natural resources as well as the richness of culture and art in Papua is a matter of pride for Indonesia, Papua is rich with natural resources that promise opportunities for commerce and development. The vast land is filled with forests, the sea, and its various biotas and millions of land suitable for agriculture. In the stomach of the earth also stores natural gas, oil, and various minerals that are just waiting to be explored. Apart from natural wealth, Papua also has a lot of unique arts and culture such as dances, clothes, and also traditional houses that often attract the attention of tourists when visiting Papua. Papua, or what is known as the Earth of Cendrawasih, is part of Indonesia There are still some Indonesian people who label the Papuan people with negative stereotypes. As a result, Papuans experience racial and ethnic discrimination that does not wear. The situation experienced by the Papuan people has indeed become a concern, which cannot be ...